WOW: PI (3.141...) is expressed in linear motion

This has to be verified to ensure that this is not click bait.  Its a simple simulation to write -- are there any takers out there?

My mind is spinning about this one -- in many different directions.....

1) What if the mass increases were done in factors or 2 or 8?  Would Pi be expressed in binary or octal respectively.  Why is it the decimal representation of pie?

2) This seems to hint that linear motion and rotational motion are unify-able -- which is what I have been wondering about recently.  I've stated that linearly moving charges seem to produce rotating results on a target charge .  and rotating charges produce linear effects of a target charge ( Coulomb's model) .

3) In the previous status (or one before) I stated that there is no analytical solutions to rotational derivatives (another rabbit hole for later).  All existing vector derivatives that I have seen are inferred from arithmetic of linear motion.  Because of this, I developed Vortrix Algebra because true linear vector derivatives would be done with limits which require vector division which does not exist prior to Vortrix Algebra.  Vortrix Algebra products results in matrices which contain both linear and rotational components (interestingly) AND the Vortrix Matrix is not fully utilized which means there is something more!  There is no Reason why vector rotational derivatives (and integrals) should not exist.



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