U.S. To announce Fusion Energy "breakthrough"

Patreon FeedPatreon Feed Posts: 507
edited December 2022 in News & Announcements

My prediction:  This will come with a caveat that the "breakthrough" (which is in quotes for some strange reason) requires billions of dollars and decades more research before it can be made practical.  Translation: they have nothing -- its hype to make it look like progress so they are not shut down for lack of progress since the 1950s

Here are the telltale phrases found in the article: 

1) Fusion inches closer to reality 

(It's it is not here yet?)

2) researchers there are still finalizing their analysis

(Why the announcement if not sure yet?  Fudging the numbers are ya?  )

3) This is a very important milestone on the road toward fusion energy

(Again, this isn't it?)

 4) More importantly, engineers have yet to develop machinery capable of affordably turning that reaction into electricity that can be practically deployed to the power grid

(There it is.  Physicists blaming their failure on engineers.)

5) While the achievement is significant, there are still monumental engineering and scientific challenges ahead.

(same thing they have been saying this since the 1950s)

6) [For] decades scientists have been experimenting with fusion reactions, they had not until now been able to create one that produces more energy than it consumes.

(I'm sure it still doesn't?  They are still analyzing their data which means they are still unsure).

I wrote my prediction before I read the body of the article.  They are clearly saying in the article that the announcement will underwhelming.

Don't get me wrong I would be ecstatic if this turned out to be true AND someone else independently repeated the results. 



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